Author: Søren Bitsch
Den bedste løsning på jorden
Agrovi er en dansk virksomhed, der hjælper landmænd med alt fra økonomi til planteavl og dyrehold. De leverer rådgivning og løsninger, der gør det nemmere og mere bæredygtigt at drive landbrug.
Hvad øjet ser er altid rigtigt
Så er der film fra Scandinavian Eye Center. Se den her.
There is more, and there is better
Our units have a great responsibility to make a positive and healthy impact on people, society, and the planet. As a company, they are committed to promoting sustainability and social responsibility to achieve a lasting positive influence.
Changing feeds for a future
Innovations in feed formulation, such as using plant-based proteins, algae, and insect meal, can enhance sustainability while maintaining high nutritional standards for aquaculture.
Looking your best when it counts?
Fish lice, scratches and likes are bad for farmed fish, and eventually, the business will also suffer.