Our units have a great responsibility to make a positive and healthy impact on people, society, and the planet. As a company, they are committed to promoting sustainability and social responsibility to achieve a lasting positive influence.

Our units have a great responsibility to make a positive and healthy impact on people, society, and the planet. As a company, they are committed to promoting sustainability and social responsibility to achieve a lasting positive influence.
Alka Forsikring har traditionelt været knyttet til fagbevægelsen i Danmark. Med faldende medlemsantal i fagforbundene blev det nødvendigt for Alka at tilpasse sig markedet og finde nye strategier for at forblive konkurrencedygtig.
Det kan lyde underligt i disse Brexit-tider, men Storbritannien var faktisk et af de mest interessante og mest stabile steder at investere i ejendomme for ganske få år siden.
Nyt logo, hjemmeside og koncept til Companized® som laver tøj og til virksomheder. Companized … Let’s Companize